Youth is the Power of the Nation |
website developed by Yogesh Vaishnav |
Link |
FitnessKnow your AGE | Know your age. Calculate your age in days, years, minutes, seconds. Just know how many day / hours / minutes it has been since your time of birth. Calculate how many days are left for your birthday. | 254 Clicks | R U fatty? | R U Overweight? Just check UR fitness..Just enter your height and weight | 172 Clicks | <= Back to overview |
Red Ribbon Club (RRC) Gujarat Programme |
Reproductive and Sexual Health Education should be imparted to youths in formal education system?
Yes |
95,24% |
No |
4,76% |
63 Total votes
View Members of RRC |
To view and interact with RRC members across the gujarat Plz log in www.orkut.com and view the "Red Ribbon Club Gujarat SACS" profile. |
Upcoming Events/News |
All India Radio's (AIR) programme "Red Ribbon Club .....Just Chill Yaar ..." is to be recorded in Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar districts |
This website is created by Gujarat State AIDS Control Society, Ahmedabad to provide a platform to youths to unite against dreaded diseases...
Visit our website regularly......... |
Today, there have been 17473 visitors (32747 hits) on this page! |